About Us

Our Purpose

Why We Do What We Do

FED Legacy’s core mission is to help close the wealth gap in America that exists for minorities across the nation. We believe that every child regardless of race, orientation, gender, religion, or creed, should be entitled to the same liberties, rights and opportunities, while in pursuit of their dreams and desires. Unfortunately, one of the major roadblocks preventing this from becoming a reality, is access to wealth and the knowledge to build and preserve it for yourself and the generations to follow. We want to change that, For You, Today.

On a surface level, we help Federal Employees and others in the community with retirement planning, life insurance, and other financial issues. What we really do is make sure as many people from our community have financial legacies in place. Many people don’t plan for retirement until it’s too late. We take every meeting very seriously because we know that if we can help you plan your financial future, it could not only alter the course of your life, but your children’s lives as well. 

Meet The Team

William Smith

William Smith

President and Founder of the FED Legacy

Responsible for over $750 Million in wealth creation, William Smith founded FED Legacy to help families looking to leave generation wealth. 

“My life’s work is creating systems to leave generational wealth in Black Families across the Globe!”

Michael Burns

Michael Burns

Chief Operating Officer of FED Legacy

My job is to serve you. As a federal employee it’s tons of mis-information that exist. Everyday I  develop systems to get the correct information to you.  In 2020 during the pandemic FED Legacy was able to provide over 100 million in wealth creation while putting almost 3 million back into the pockets of federal employees.  Retiement is your time to recieve your roses and I am here to make sure you get them.

“If you believe you can achieve”

Get In Touch

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